
Monographs and Edited Books

Homo Musicus

Ivana Medić (ed.), Homo musicus. Homo poeticus. Život i delo akademika Vlastimira Trajkovića [Homo musicus. Homo poeticus. Life and Work of Academician Vlastimir Trajković]. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Institute of Musicology SASA, 2023.


Beyond Quantum Music Front Cover

Ivana Medić (ed.), Beyond Quantum Music 2019-2022. Belgrade: Institute of Musicology SASA, 2022.




Rudolf Bruči Front Cover

Ivana Medić and Ivan Moody (eds.), The Life and Work of Rudolf Bruči: The Composer in the Rift between Aesthetics and Ideologies. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021. With the collaboration of the Institute of Musicology SASA, Belgrade, and Rudolf Bruči Foundation, Novi Sad.

Shaping-the-Present... Front Cover

Bojana Radovanović, Miloš Bralović, Maja Radivojević, Danka Lajić Mihajlović and Ivana Medić (eds.), Shaping the Present Through the Future: Musicology, Ethnomusicology and Contemporaneity. Belgrade: Institute of Musicology SASA, 2021.


SDjK Front Cover

Ivana Medić and Jelena Janković-Beguš (eds.), Muzikološko nasleđe Stane Đurić-Klajn [Musicological Legacy of Stana Djurić-Klajn]. Belgrade: Serbian Musicological Society, 2021.


Orthodoxy Front Cover

Ivan Moody and Ivana Medić (eds.), Orthodoxy, Music, Politics and Art in Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe. London / Belgrade: Centre for Russian Music, Goldsmiths, University of London, and Institute of Musicology SASA, 2020.


Parallel Histories Front Cover

Ivana Medić, Paralelne istorije – Savremena srpska umetnička muzika u dijaspori [Parallel Histories. Contemporary Serbian Art Music in the Diaspora]. Belgrade: Institute of Musicology SASA, 2020.


Ivan Jevtic Front Cover

Ivana Medić (éd.), Životna i stvaralačka odiseja akademika Ivana Jevtića [The Life and Creative Odyssey of Academician Ivan Jevtić]. Belgrade: Institute of Musicology SASA, 2020.



Springer IASPM Front Cover

Marija Dumnić Vilotijević and Ivana Medić (eds.), Contemporary Popular Music Studies. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2019



Svetlost/Licht Book Cover

Ivana Medić, Teorija i praksa Gesamtkunstwerka u XX i XXI veku – Operski ciklus SVETLOST / LICHT Karlhajnca Štokhauzena [Theory and Practice of Gesamtkunstwerk in the 20th and 21st Centuries – Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Operatic Cycle LIGHT / LICHT]. Belgrade: Institute of Musicology SASA, 2019.

Winner of the Annual Award “Stana Đurić-Klajn” for the Best Monograph, awarded by the Serbian Musicological Society. 


Ivana Medić, From Polystylism to Meta-Pluralism. Essays on Late Soviet Symphonic Music. Belgrade: Institute of Musicology SASA, 2017.



Josip Slavenski 120th Anniversary

Ivana Medić (ed.), Josip Slavenski (1896-1955). Povodom 120-godišnjice rođenja [Josip Slavenski (1896-1955). On the 120th Anniversary of the Composer’s Birth]. Belgrade: Institute of Musicology SASA, 2017



Ivana Medić and Katarina Tomašević (eds.), Beyond the East-West Divide. Balkan Music and its Poles of Attraction. Belgrade: Institute of Musicology SASA, 2015




Ivana Medić (ed.), Radio i srpska muzika [Radio and Serbian Music]. Belgrade: Institute of Musicology SASA, 2015.



Piano Music Vasilije Mokranjac

Ivana Medić, Klavirska muzika Vasilija Mokranjca [Piano Music of Vasilije Mokranjac]. Belgrade: Students’ Cultural Centre, 2004



Ruma Music School

Ivana Janković [Medić] i Đorđe Arsenić, Pedeset godina niže Muzičke škole u Rumi [50th Anniversary of the Primary Music School in Ruma]. Ruma, 1998.




Contemporary Music Review

Contemporary Music Review


Vol. 41, Nos. 5-6 (2022) – Serbian Musical Identity Edited by Laura Emmery and Ivana Medić


Arts Journal, Special Issues

Balkan Music: Past, Present, Future  Guest Editor Ivana Medić

Applied Musicology and Ethnomusicology  Guest Editor Ivana Medić

Književna istorija (Literary History) Journal

Section: Interlocks, Theme Music and Literature  Guest Editor Ivana Medić

Part I: Vol. LII, No. 171, 2020

Part II: Vol. LII, No. 172, 2020

Journal Muzikologija/Musicology

Editor-in-Chief Ivana Medić

Musicology 27


No 27 (II/2019) – The Future of Music History (Guest Editor: Jim Samson)



Musicology 26


No 26 (I/2019) – Music History Today



Musicology 25


No 25 (II/2018) – Music and Historiography



Musicology 24


No 24 (I/2018) – Quantum Music



Musicology 23


No 23 (II/2017) – Reflections on Socialism



Musicology 22


No 22 (I/2017) – Urban Sonic Ecology



Guest Editor Ivana Medić

Musicology 31


No 31 (II/2021) – Music Criticism, Ideology and Politics



Musicology 30


No 30 (I/2021) – Music Criticism in Russia and Eastern Europe – In memoriam Stuart Campbell (1949-2018)



Musicology 21


No 21 (II/2016) – Music and Crisis



Musicology 20


No 20 (II/2016) – Music and Empire



Journal Articles, Book Chapters

as Ivana Janković

  • “Sintezijska umetnost Vladana Radovanovića” [The Synthetic Art of Vladan Radovanović], Musicology 3, 2003, 141-186.
  • “Tonski studio Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu: istorijat, razvoj, perspektive” [The Recording Studio of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade: History, Development, Prospects], New Sound 20, 2002, 97-104
  • “Paranoja o Velikoj Majci – Matriks” [Paranoia About the Great Mother – The Matrix], Genero 1, Beograd, 2002, 159-164.
  • “Uticaj žanra pesme na klavirske rapsodije Franca Lista i Johanesa Bramsa” [The Influence of Song Genre on Piano Rhapsodies by Franz Liszt and Johannes Brahms], in Vera Milanković, ed., Proceedings of the Fourth Pedagogy Forum of the Department for Solfeggio, Belgrade, Faculty of Music, 2001, 29-36.
  • “Gesamtkunstwerk Albana Berga“ [Alban Berg’s Gesamtkunstwerk], in Sonja Marinković, ed., Opera od obreda do umetničke forme [Opera – From Rite to Art Form], Belgrade, Faculty of Music, 2001, 198-208.
  • “Od igre tonova do igre polova” [From the Play of Notes to the Play of Sexes], Pro Femina, Spring/Summer 2000, 142-147.


Other Publications