Ivana Medić is a Principal Research Fellow with the Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. She is also a Full Professor at the Department of Multimedia Design, School of Computing in Belgrade, a Visiting Research Fellow with the Centre for Russian Music, Goldsmiths, University of London, and a long-standing convener of the SEEM Slavonic and East European Music Study Group with the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES). She has led numerous scientific and Art+Science projects: the main project of the Institute of Musicology SASA Identities of Serbian Music Within Local and Global Frameworks: Traditions, Changes, Challenges, financed by the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science (2017-2019); international project Quantum Music funded by the EACEA – Creative Europe (2015-2018); the Belgrade team of the trilateral project City Sonic Ecology – Urban Soundscapes of Bern, Ljubljana and Belgrade, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) – SCOPES (2014-2017); international project Beyond Quantum Music funded by the EACEA – Creative Europe (2019-2022). She has also managed the project DUALITY financed by the Serbian Innovation Fund (2020-2022), and since 2022 she has led a new project Applied Musicology and Ethnomusicology in Serbia: Making a Difference in Contemporary Society – APPMES, financed by the Serbian Science Fund (2022-2024). She is President of the Serbian Musicological Society (2023-2028), President of the Governing Board of the Secondary Music School Mokranjac in Belgrade, Director of the charity “Vasilije Mokranjac Foundation”, member of the Governing Board of the Institute of Musicology SASA and a member of IMS, RMA, IASPM, ICTMD, BASEES, SMM and other professional associations. She has served as a European Commission expert since 2019.
Ivana Medić has enjoyed a varied career as a researcher, lecturer, broadcaster and performer. She received a BMus and MPhil in Musicology from the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, funded by the Serbian Ministry of Science. Having started her teaching career at the Department for Music Theory at the Belgrade Faculty of Music in 1999, she went on to work in the media; before moving to the UK in 2006, she held the position of Music Editor and Coordinator of the International Exchange with the European Broadcasting Union at Radio Belgrade 3, Serbian Broadcasting Corporation. In 2010 she completed her PhD at the University of Manchester, funded by the Overseas Research Award, Graduate Teaching Assistantship and School of Arts, Histories and Cultures Award. Her doctoral thesis, supervised by Prof. David Fanning, focused on Alfred Schnittke’s symphonies nos. 1-3 in the context of late Soviet music. While in the UK (2006-2013), she also worked as an Associate Lecturer at the Open University.
Ivana Medić has written five books and over 90 articles, edited ten collections of essays, and participated in numerous conferences. She won the 2019 Award “Stana Đurić-Klajn” for the best musicological monograph in Serbia, and in 2022 she was awarded the Plaque for outstanding contribution to the Institute of Musicology SASA. From 2017 to 2019 she served as Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed journal Musicology – Journal of the Institute of Musicology SASA. She has guest-edited journals Contemporary Music Review, Arts and Književna istorija (Literary History). She is one of the most in-demand translators from Serbian and Croatian to English and vice versa, having translated over 40 books, chapters, research articles, booklets and reviews.
She is also a multi-instrumentalist, specialising in contemporary music.
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Dr Ivana Medić je naučni savetnik Muzikološkog instituta SANU i redovni profesor na Departmanu za multimedijalni dizajn Računarskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Gostujući je istraživač (Visiting Research Fellow) pri Centru za rusku muziku koledža Goldsmiths Univerziteta u Londonu i koordinatorka SEEM Studijske grupe za slovensku i istočnoevropsku muziku pri Britanskoj asocijaciji za slavističke i istočnoevropske studije (BASEES). Bila je rukovodilac brojnih domaćih i međunarodnih projekata: glavnog projekta Muzikološkog instituta SANU Identiteti srpske muzike od lokalnih do globalnih okvira: tradicije, promene, izazovi, koji je finansiralo Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije (2017-2019); međunarodnog projekta Kvantna muzika [Quantum Music] finansiranog iz programa Kreativna Evropa Evropske unije (2015-2018); beogradskog tima na trilateralnom projektu Zvučna ekologija grada – urbani zvučni pejzaži Berna, Ljubljana i Beograda, finansiranog u okviru programa SCOPES Švajcarske nacionalne fondacije za nauku (SNSF) (2014-2017); međunarodnog projekta Izvan kvantne muzike [Beyond Quantum Music], finansiranog iz programa Kreativna Evropa Evropske unije (2019-2022); projekta DUALITY koji je finansirao Fond za inovacionu delatnost Republike Srbije (2020-2022). Od 2022. rukovodi projektom Primenjena muzikologija i etnomuzikologija u Srbiji (APPMES) koji finansira Fond za nauku Republike Srbije (2022-2024). Predsednica je Muzikološkog društva Srbije, predsednica Školskog odbora MŠ Mokranjac u Beogradu, ćlanica Upravnog odbora Muzikološkog instituta SANU, direktorka “Fondacije Vasilije Mokranjac” i članica više međunarodnih profesionalnih udruženja: IMS, RMA, IASPM, ICTMD, BASEES, SMM i dr. Od 2019. godine angažovana je kao ekspert Evropske komisije.
Ivana Medić se sa uspehom bavi naučnoistraživačkim radom, nastavom, radom u medijima i muzičkim izvođaštvom. Diplomirala je i magistrirala muzikologiju na beogradskom Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti kao stipendistkinja Ministarstva nauke i tehnološkog razvoja. Karijeru je započela 1999. godine kao asistentkinja na Katedri za teorijske predmete Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu, da bi zatim prešla na Radio-televiziju Srbije. Pre odlaska u Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo 2006. vršila je dužnost glavnog muzičkog urednika Trećeg programa Radio Beograda i koordinatora međunarodne razmene u okviru Euroradija (EBU).
Doktorirala je 2010. godine na Univerzitetu u Mančesteru, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, kao dobitnica prestižnih stipendija Overseas Research Award, Graduate Teaching Assistantship i School of Arts, Histories and Cultures Award. Njena doktorska disertacija, rađena pod mentorstvom prof. Dejvida Feninga, posvećena je simfonijskom stvaralaštvu Alfreda Šnitkea u kontekstu pozne sovjetske muzike. Tokom boravka u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu (2006-2013), radila je na Univerzitetu u Mančesteru i na Otvorenom univerzitetu.
Ivana Medić je objavila pet monografija i preko 90 naučnih radova, uredila deset tematskih zbornika i učestvovala na brojnim konferencijama. Dobitnica je godišnje nagrade “Stana Đurić-Klajn” za izuzetan doprinos muzikologiji u 2019. godini, u kategoriji za najbolju monografiju, kao i Plakete Muzikološkog instituta SANU za izvanredne rezultate. Od 2017. do 2019. bila je glavna i odgovorna urednica međunarodnog naučnog časopisa Muzikologija. Angažovana je kao gostujući urednik međunarodnih časopisa Contemporary Music Review, Arts i Književna istorija. Jedan je od najtraženijih prevodilaca za engleski jezik: dosad je prevela preko 40 knjiga, poglavlja, naučnih članaka, knjižica i prikaza sa srpskog i hrvatskog na engleski i obratno.
Aktivna je kao izvođačica-multiinstrumentalistkinja, prvenstveno u domenu savremene muzike.